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In "Opinion / OP-ED"
It is tough to understand where all the hate in our world comes from. Why would teenagers, full of life and potential, blow themselves up to kill those they disagree with? Why would educators, scientists, engineers, doctors and nurses override their education, experience and wisdom and turn into assassins of their own kind, including elderly, women and children - even their own parents? How do their handlers manage to fill them with such twisted convictions about those of other races, religions or even points of view?Psychiatrists and social scientists have wondered about the hidden capacity of humans to commit barbaric atrocities. They study war crimes and ethnic cleansing to discover the ills in our nature that allow demons to infiltrate our hearts and minds, exploit our weaknesses, and...
April 29, 2019
Why do we hate?
April 28, 2019
Uber – Careem: A dream story!
April 25, 2019
Trudeau bruised but leading with determination
Lost among the poor and oppressed of this world, including those in Palestine, Myanmar, Syria and other areas, are more than a quarter million ghetto dwellers in squalid camps in Bangladesh. These are the Biharis, forgotten remnants of the Indo-Pakistan partition and there are very few voices that bring their destitute conditions to the fore.While the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights states every person has a right to nationality, these “stranded Pakistanis” enjoy no such luxury. For the past 47 years, they have been spread across Bangladesh in 66 squalid camps, each no bigger than a football field, with poor sanitation and shortages of running water. Camp conditions are miserable, and large groups of families are often forced to share their living area with...
April 24, 2019
Pakistan’s forgotten ghetto dwellers
April 23, 2019
Exam time: We need to talk!
April 22, 2019
Sudanese people are true heroes!
April 17, 2019
Benefits of Tayseer for the private sector
April 17, 2019
The requests of readers
April 16, 2019
Algeria and Sudan: Arab Spring? Again?
April 15, 2019
Artificial intelligence and a disturbing choice!