Tariq A. Al-Maeena
Muslims the world over are gearing up for the beginning of Ramadan within the next few days. Many are making mental notes of how to approach this month with full vigor. One such individual is a Muslim in America who sent me the following; giving much thought to the union of spirituality and good health that will surely materialize in the holy month. He has listed the individual benefits to the body and soul.
He writes: “During Ramadan, there is a great opportunity for spiritual renewal as well as physical and health benefits. Muslims have strict fasting from sunrise to sunset with no food or drink during fasting hours with nightly prayers called taraweeh, (joy of the heart prayers). The department of health guidelines in England include fasting as one way to promote comprehensive health to combat chronic diseases, such as diabetes, cholesterol, heart disease and degenerative arthritis.
“As our entire body undergoes a complete cell turnover (progressed cell death), the body will have a chance to purge dead cells without them being accumulated on the walls of the coronary arteries causing coronary artery plaque or in the colon causing colon cancer or in the joints causing degenerative arthritis. God, who has created us, has prescribed fasting as a complete healthcare solution for humanity and there are so many benefits of fasting.
“The first benefit is the purification of the heart because eating so much makes thinking and concentration difficult. It also makes the body sluggish and makes the ability to extract, memorize and analyze data much slower, so the purity of the heart and mind, that is achieved by the state of fasting, helps to sharpen the brain and memory and the heart and physical responses as well.
“Secondly, fasting helps to soften the heart because there is frequent prayer and the remembrance of God that improves the mental and psychological status.
“Thirdly, fasting removes arrogance from the person’s behavior so that when one fasts, one will realize that human beings are helpless and should appreciate all the bounties that they were given by our Creator. You will realize that there is no room for arrogance or for feeling like you are above everyone else because of materialistic wealth or job title or social status. We are all God’s children and were all created equal.
“The fourth benefit is that you do not forget the testing of God and you will realize that the person who eats a lot forgets about hungry people and forgets about thirsty people. When you have hunger pains and thirst, for limited hours, you will certainly be able to relate to so many unfortunate fellow human beings who are hungry and thirsty and do not have all the luxuries that you have. This makes you appreciate what you have, remember the Day of Judgment and thank God for what you have even if it is little since there are so many who do not have any.
“The fifth benefit, which is the biggest, is that you will be able to combat desire and temptation and have better self control over all your temptations. When you eat less you will have less temptation and you will be able to control your desires. You will know that during fasting you have the greatest of benefits. This hunger will limit sexual desire as well as help abstinence of the tongue which includes backbiting, lying and cheating others; it will even help stop your constant craving for chocolate!
“The sixth benefit is that you will get rid of all activities and distractions which revolve around eating, such as shopping for food and cooking it. You will have more time to spend with God.
“The seventh is that having too much food in the stomach is related to illnesses, such as indigestion, distention, gas and reflux disease. Therefore, fasting will cure many gastrointestinal disorders especially irritable bowel syndrome and chronic diarrhea as well as acid reflux. Fasting will also help regulate sleeping patterns because the less one eats the more energized one feels.
“The eighth benefit is that when you eat less, you will spend less and will not become involved in loans and debt. You will adapt yourself to eating only small amounts of food and will avoid extravagant spending.
“Lastly, Ramadan is about sharing what God has given you with orphans, the poor and the needy because such charity will help you in this life and in the Hereafter.
“Ramadan will bring inner peace and happiness due to the release of natural endorphins produced with fasting, praying in large amounts and doing good deeds. Fasting is a true gift from God, and should be practiced and shared by everyone. You don’t have to follow this strict fasting if you are not a Muslim, but you could have liquids only, (smoothies or shakes) rather than solids in the month of Ramadan, leading to weight loss to combat obesity and to fight stress. It is a truly effective therapy, and it is something that is badly needed nowadays with all of the turmoil in the world.
“Please share a sunset meal with your Muslim neighbors locally or globally as it is the month of mercy, compassion and charity for the entire human race. Happy Ramadan!” Now who can argue with that?
— The author can be reached at talmaeena@aol.com. Follow him on Twitter @talmaeena