Tariq A. Al-Maeena
AIPAC, the American Israeli Public Affairs Committee, is an organization solely devoted to buying and influencing American loyalty first and foremost to Israel. Through its lavish political lobbying, it seeks to snare US politicians into its lair with gifts of gold and glitter to promote Israeli interests. From the looks of things, there appear to be many takers.
AIPAC also gathers a lot of assistance from mainstream media, much of it controlled or influenced by pro-Zionist owners or editors who slant, promote and report what is favorable to Israel and conveniently play down the atrocities and state sponsored terrorism that is rained down upon the hapless lawful Palestinian inhabitants.
Few American lawmakers have had the courage to confront this dangerous enemy within without risking an end to their political careers. And American foreign policy, especially in the Middle East, was often dictated not with America’s interests in mind. A prime example is how sympathizers in the American political arena successfully led the US in an act of war against a country that had no ties to the September 11 bombings in New York. Nor were there ever any weapons of mass destruction found. It was a war that took the lives of innocent Iraqis and Americans, and led to an economic blowback against the US economy which left the country in shambles. It was all in the interest of Israel.
Today, those same principles are working overtime to project Iran as the next biggest threat to world peace. Notwithstanding nuclear talks that are heading onto acceptable plateaus of understanding, the Zionist machine is undeterred in trying to project an imminent attack on American soil, and using its loyal followers in the American legislature for that purpose.
Mike Ghouse, a public speaker, writer, human rights activist and a commentator on varied issues of the day is an American and a very concerned one. Responding to the diabolical and unprecedented invitation of the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to address a joint session of Congress, Mike says: "Mr. Netanyahu and his ilk can fool us in America once, but not twice, and we are not the guinea pigs of his erratic genocidal behavior.
"He is coming to Washington to convince the nincompoops who had plunged us into destructive wars in Iraq and Afghanistan to go at Iran now. We lost over 5,000 men and women, millions of Americans lost their jobs, and their homes were foreclosed, besides sinking us into a budget deficit running in trillions of dollars. He wants us to be completely liquidated, but to hell with him. We put America first!"
Mike continues: "An unprecedented line of boot-licking Republicans are ready to surrender and kiss his feet. Shame on them; they are an embarrassment to America. Fox News will put him on a pedestal as they do not have a legitimate journalist to grill the man who wants us liquidated with another war. America is not ready for Mr. Netanyahu’s bull about Iran; he needs to respectfully back off and become a peacemaker. He can choose to believe in the wisdom of the Torah, that saving a life is like saving the whole of humanity.
"America is not ready to give him the pleasure of destruction with no gain to be had by the people of Israel and most certainly not by Americans, and we have no criminal intent to bomb another people; we still carry the guilt of massacring innocent Iraqis and Afghans and we have not apologized to them yet. We cannot and should not go to war with Iran simply because Mr. Netanyahu wants it. We made a mistake once and we cannot do it again based on falsities.
"Mr. Netanyahu has not only injured the credibility of his office that is deleterious to Israel, but has aggravated the community of nations and will continue to isolate Israel. Some 161 out of 166 UN member nations do not trust him and his policies.
"President Obama is guiding US policies through very difficult times with care, patience and resolve. The US Congress needs to understand it and stop bickering when it comes to US foreign policy and the nation’s well-being" Mike Ghouse.
The individuals who make up the political body of the US government must realize that Americans like Mike and legions of others are fed up with their kowtowing to Israeli interests which comes at a great cost to the United States. These lawmakers are goading the country’s giant military complex into a war with Iran without giving negotiations a chance. And they are defying all protocols of democracy in the process by inviting a war criminal to address their assembly and promote war.
— The author can be reached at talmaeena@aol.com. Follow him on Twitter @talmaeena