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In "Opinion / OP-ED"
Media lessons never end, especially, in the New Media age. It used to be a much simpler world. If you needed to inform the public on an important matter, you could produce a TV broadcast, send a press release or call for a press conference. People would get the message loud and clear.What about a crisis? Set up a press center to feed the media, around the clock. You could speak directly to your audience in gatherings - town halls, public events and organized meetings. The press would always be there to cover and relay the news to a wider audience.That seems like ages ago, when channels of communication with the public were numbered, predictable and managed. You dealt with them through traditional channels - editors, journalists and management. They knew you, you knew them, and everyone had...
March 26, 2019
Media and crisis: The New Zealand model!
March 25, 2019
Death live on social media
March 25, 2019
Terror reaches New Zealand!
March 24, 2019
Saudi doctors should volunteer to help the Kingdom’s poor
March 20, 2019
Youth’s role in achieving peace
March 20, 2019
Retirees and retirement life
March 20, 2019
Obstacles facing domestic tourism
March 20, 2019
Time for public servants to sit up and take notice
March 19, 2019
Traffic courts should add mercy to justice
March 19, 2019
New Zealand shooting: Hate crimes and free speech