Corruption: A global malady


October 07, 2014
Corruption: A global malady
Corruption: A global malady

Tariq A. Al-Maeena

Tariq A. Al-Maeena

Corruption is a cancer that destroys the moral fibers that hold together an ethical society. Sadly, this disease is slowly entrenching itself in the countries of the region to a degree not realized earlier.

The annual study released by Transparency International (TI), the Corruption Perceptions Index 2013, reveals how corruption continues to devastate societies around the world. The 2013 report offers a breakdown of the scores of individual countries which indicates how corrupt their public sectors are. Two thirds of the 175 countries ranked in the 2013 index score below the median, indicating a significant problem with dishonesty and fraud.

Following the release of the study, Transparency International promoted a campaign aptly titled “Unmask the corrupt,” adding that "corruption is the world’s most talked about problem. The world’s leading economies should lead by example, making sure that their institutions are fully transparent and their leaders are held accountable. This is crucial since their institutions play a significant role in preventing corruption from flourishing globally. Governments need to integrate anti-corruption actions into all public decision-making. Priorities include better rules on lobbying and political financing, making public spending and contracting more transparent and making public bodies more accountable to people.”

The results of the Corruption Perceptions Index 2013 demonstrate that societies continue to pay the high cost of corruption.  “Many of the countries where citizens challenged their leaders to stop corruption – from the Middle East to Asia to Europe  – have seen their positions in the index stagnate or worsen,” said an executive at TI.

In the 2013 Corruptions Index results, Denmark and New Zealand tied for first place as the cleanest run governments with scores of 90.  The mechanisms guarding transparency in place in these countries allowed the public unrestricted access to information systems and rules governing the behavior of those in public positions.

At the bottom of the list were understandably the countries of Afghanistan, North Korea and Somalia.  As TI says, “In these countries the lack of accountable leadership and effective public institutions underscore the need to take a much stronger stance against corruption.”

Among the GCC countries, only Qatar and the UAE scored above the median line, while the others fell beneath.  This is not very encouraging for the rest of the region.  Governments in some countries have, however, begun to sit up and take notice and have designed legislation to fight this growing evil.

In Saudi Arabia, the National Anti-Corruption Commission (Nazaha) mandated under the directives of Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Abdullah was formed and given full autonomy to investigate corruption across all government agencies.  As it stands now, it has its hands full, weaving through a myriad of corrupt bureaucrats in several agencies and dealing with suspicious transactions, failed or stalled billion riyal projects and unaccounted public funds.

Nazaha has unearthed verified cases of the unethical administration of public funds and has sent reports to the respective ministries.  But many complain that that is not enough.  They argue that simply generating reports proving corruption without a follow up of censure, punishment and jail time is not going to arrest the tide of corruption.   For one, they demand that corrupt officials must be publicly identified and shamed.  The Commission must also be allowed more teeth and more bite.  The judicial authorities should work hand in hand with Nazaha to administer swift justice.

TI rightly claims that “corruption translates into human suffering, with poor families being extorted for bribes to see doctors or to get access to clean drinking water. It leads to failure in the delivery of basic services like education or healthcare. It derails the building of essential infrastructure, as corrupt leaders skim funds. Corruption destroys lives and communities, and undermines countries and institutions. It generates popular anger that threatens to further destabilize societies and exacerbate violent conflicts.”

All public servants must be held accountable for their misdeeds.  Some citizens have even suggested a declaration of assets of public service personnel before they are appointed to their posts.  Governments too should increase transparency in public spending and the awarding of contracts to allow less room for deceit and the embezzlement of public funds.  

As stated earlier, corruption is a cancer that if left untreated can lead to resentment, unrest and turmoil.  It must be arrested if not stopped altogether, and those perpetuating such an evil vice must not be allowed to indulge in the fruits of their crime.

The author can be reached at Follow him on Twitter @talmaeena

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