Why can’t I celebrate National Day?


September 23, 2014
Why can’t I celebrate National Day?
Why can’t I celebrate National Day?

Tariq A. Al-Maeena

Tariq A. Al-Maeena



Last week, I got involved in a discussion with a Saudi of conservative pedigree and with hardened opinions, one of which was his displeasure at the way Saudi National Day was being given so much attention and hoopla.

To quell my arguments, he began quoting from the hadith (prophetic teaching)  offering his interpretation of why it was a sin for a Muslim to celebrate on any day other than the two Eids.  He kept coming at me with one saying after another until I had had enough.

“Listen, my friend,” I told him.  “If you choose not to celebrate and take pride in your national day, then that is your choice.  But for citizens who choose to enjoy the day with family and friends as a day of festivity, then what is the harm?”  He was adamant and would not give up and began with some more sermonizing.

With my irritation rising at his persistence, I shot back with an offensive to either shut him up or make him go away. “It is that kind of thinking that fought long and hard against education for girls.  There were protests against little children attending school to get an education, and this was not so long ago.

“The same mentality that fought against girls’ education also fought against the introduction of television into this country.  That square box at the time was seen as an evil tool of the West that did not belong anywhere in this country.  It was only when it became apparent that this could be a medium of religious expression that some of the objections abated.

“Again, it was your kind of views that objected loudly to the presence of satellite dishes as they were conveying the messages of moral corruption and decadence.  So much so that some hardliners actually encouraged their followers to stone these dishes from the top of people’s homes and render them unserviceable.

“When mobile phones with cameras were first introduced, there was much resistance from people like you against their presence in the market.  You failed to recognize the positives in such inventions, and instead promoted the argument that this would lead to the decay of the moral fabric of the nation.  Yet today, I see you are carrying one such phone yourself.

“When the idea of physical education for girls was first floated by the government, a storm of protest against the concept arose, again from people holding similar views to your own.  Arguments such as  that girls are not shaped for such activity or may lose their virginity from any form of exercise kept popping up in defense of the objections.  Little thought was given to the health benefits of such activity in a country where female obesity is slowly reaching alarming proportions.

“When women first started working as cashiers, vociferous campaigns were started against the establishments that employed them, so much so that these poor women were let go not long after.  There were also threats and intimidation against their presence in the market place.  Little did any of you try to understand that perhaps the income earned by these women was their only means of achieving a sustainable existence.

“When the government insisted that all citizens have photo IDs many of you objected on the grounds that your women should not be exposed to the camera.  The government gave you the choice to get the ID for them or have their status and benefits remain in question.  You gave in and allowed your women to get their ID cards. Your lot has campaigned long and hard against the driving issue for women.  But that too will come with time and necessity.  And the list goes on and on.

“Look my friend.  Do you realize how much time and fruitless energy had been spent over the years debating such mediocre issues?  Now shouldn’t that energy have gone into something useful like discovering or inventing something useful for society like our forefathers did so many centuries ago?  Now be off and let me celebrate Saudi National Day.”


– The author can be reached at talmaeena@aol.com. Follow him on Twitter @talmaeena

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