Muhammad Al-Osaimi
Recently, a number of books were withdrawn from the shelves of bookstores. Many people supported the move while others opposed it. I stand by those who favored the withdrawal of such books that publicize and promote their authors and their flawed religious concepts and ideas. I think that we have now taken the first step in the right direction toward maintaining the safety of the community, which has long been threatened by such ideas in direct and indirect ways.
The self-styled guards and advocates of freedom of expression should realize that the windows through which foul wind comes in must be closed, irrespective of whether those windows are in Saudi Arabia, the Gulf region, Europe or North America. There should be no tolerance or leniency in dealing with those who pose as righteous reformers but instigate sectarianism and partisanship.
Some Saudis insist on supporting the Muslim Brotherhood even though it has been classified as a terrorist organization in their own country. They remain adamant in their position even after it has been revealed that the banned outfit has been involved in a number of conspiracies, in addition to the fact that its foreign recruits are still waiting to target our country. Their support for this organization is not an emotional one but is organized and systematic with the collection of funds and the realization of the organization’s political ambitions and aspirations. This poses danger to a stable society as we have seen recently in many Arab countries in the name of the so-called Arab Spring.
It is important that people should be aware of the fact that not all of those who pose as protectors of religion are honest in their sayings or writings because honesty must be proved by one’s position on our national interests.
All societies – both in the East and the West – must protect themselves from those who try to disrupt national unity and cohesion and they must shun propaganda that is driven by narrow-minded factional interests.
Freedom of expression is urgently needed and it is something that cannot be debated. However, we must be careful not to open windows that will allow the foul smell of chaos, under the guise of freedom, to enter our country.