Ibrahim Ali Naseeb
I WAS literally shocked, and ashamed at the same time, when I read a story recently published in a newspaper. I kept thinking for a while why a person would stoop to this level of obscenity. Let me tell you what I read. The Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice (Haia) found cameras inside a woman’s store changing room in one of the well-known malls. Apparently, these cameras were not installed to take pictures of men; they’re for women.
Only a person with low ethics and morals would do something heinous like that in order to look at women while they were changing their clothes.
Only Allah knows how many innocent women have entered that room and changed their clothes without knowing they were being watched by someone who did not have a shred of ethics in them.
We all owe it to the Haia members who should be proud of themselves for discovering these cameras. In fact, the Haia members have done a lot for society and prevented many transgressors from trampling on social norms.
I strongly believe that the person(s) who installed these cameras should be named and shamed in local newspapers.
Why should they spare such shame when their actions showed their true colors? By naming and shaming them, every member of society will realize and understand that there will be no impunity for such action and that they will be punished for it. I hope the government imposes strict penalties on the perpetrator of this disgraceful act.
Many thanks to the Haia for their painstaking efforts to uncover this malpractice.