
Jordan: The Muslim Brotherhood's Agitation and Sisyphus' Boulder

April 05, 2024
Jordan: The Muslim Brotherhood's Agitation and Sisyphus' Boulder

Jameel Altheyabi

A quick search into the shadowy hands behind every disturbance, especially in stable and secure countries like Jordan, reveals the Muslim Brotherhood as the culprit. The Brotherhood members swap roles among their groups across various Arab nations. It's evident that the recent uncontrolled protests in Jordan are incited by the Brotherhood, who are inevitably responsible for the Palestinians' plight in Gaza and the West Bank, due to ongoing Israeli attacks since October 7, 2023.

This role-swapping was witnessed everywhere the Brotherhood meddled, disrupting the peace and stability of several Arab societies. Their incitement tactics fail to achieve their ultimate goal of seizing power; in Egypt, Sudan, Tunisia, and Jordan.

Post October 7, 2023, they've been fracturing the Palestinian front, with Hamas leaders emerging from their rule with nothing to benefit the people of Gaza. After Gaza's current tragedies, they woke up rejecting the idea of a national unity government and forming a technocratic government for the Palestinian Authority, seen globally as the best solution to administratively control Gaza and the West Bank.

Jordan is no stranger to Brotherhood mischief. True, the Jordanian Brotherhood tried, via ballot boxes, merging into governments and administrative formations. However, the real problem lies in the unchanging "Brotherhood doctrine" across all Arab and Islamic countries: seizing power by any means, changing their skins, military coups, coalitions with ideologically similar groups, and then implementing their sinister Brotherhood plan, which recognizes no political boundaries or national sovereignty, leading to control and domination, and using the capabilities of those countries to confront international powers, stirring unrest everywhere.

Despite the Brotherhood's "consciousness blurring," potentially advancing them in elections in one country or another, it's always backed by "politicizing" religion and leveraging religious emotions to plant doctrinal disputes among communities, fueling sectarian differences among nations. Their failure and fall in any location don't deter them from gathering their local and international entities to resume their lost battles, bringing nothing but calamities, destruction, and death to the people.

However, Jordan, in particular, is very resistant to Brotherhood incitement; the Jordanian state has always been ready to confront Brotherhood's frivolous methods, capable of making sovereign decisions based on Jordan's interests and the region's security requirements, not in response to incitement and misinformation campaigns, as recently witnessed. Jordan remains strong and resilient against attempts to fragment, stir unrest, and "religionize" politics and sovereignty. This resilience has kept Amman a crucial player in preventing fragmentation projects, the New Middle East, and redrawing the region's maps to Israel's advantage.

The October 7 war led to the destruction of Hamas's core capabilities and reduced its military power to a degree that rebuilding might take decades, if not impossible. Therefore, the Muslim Brotherhood has nothing left but incitement, seeking to ignite fires here and there. The Jordanian authorities were strict and decisive in confronting the recent "Brotherhood" incitement, preventing the spread of the fire and imposing priorities outside the Jordanian government's policies.

Indeed, canceling the "Wadi Araba" or "Camp David" treaties is not a decision that the Muslim Brotherhood and its cancerous, foolish, greedy entities can make. It's a decision for the sovereign authorities in each country, dictated by their circumstances to enter into peace treaties with Israel. Jordan's efforts to achieve peace will remain a pillar for the region's stability, reinforcing steps based on the 2002 Arab Peace Initiative. As the "Devil's Brothers" attempt to rise and resume their desperate quest for dominance, they will find themselves like those doomed to carry Sisyphus' boulder... endlessly.

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