
The final card in the Khashoggi case

March 09, 2021
The final card in the Khashoggi case

Yahya Al-Ameer

It is quite clear that the Biden administration is trying to rebuild the ceiling of expectations accompanying its arrival to the White House, specifically with regard to regional issues, the Iranian dossier, relations with the Kingdom, and closing an issue that has witnessed the largest politicization operation — the case of Saudi citizen Jamal Khashoggi.

Hence, those cashing in on Saudi citizen Jamal Khashoggi’s case have nothing left with them but the last card; the US Intelligence Report.

The day before publishing the US Intelligence Report on the incident of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi, the telephone call between King Salman and US President Joe Biden was the first by the new American president with leaders of the Arab and Middle Eastern countries.

Furthermore, the call placed emphasis on the axes and constants of the well-established Saudi-American relations over decades of time.

In terms of its contents, the call was not a piece of good news for the evil forces in the region, which had and still have their wager on the new American administration.

The telephone call was positive, reflecting the depth of the strategic partnership between the two countries, which has always played a pivotal role in stability, security, and in the energy field.

The intelligence report on the incident involving the Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi was declassified, preceded by a massive wave of speculations, interpretations, and exaggerations that ultimately resulted in a flimsy report based on expectations, interpretations, and analyses, without the slightest evidence or facts. This report can be likened to the last cards that can be played in the Jamal Khashoggi case.

Perhaps the current US administration wanted to get rid of the dossier by throwing this last card. At the same time, it tried to appear as an administration that took some steps on this issue by publishing the report. In fact, the US administration has nothing to do with this case anymore.

The intelligence report came as conclusions and interpretations, which were not based on any facts or evidence. They were more like those articles and analyses the American left-wing media have always published about the Khashoggi case, throughout its episodes and stages.

However, the danger is that it is a report coming from a body, such as the US National Intelligence, whose false intelligence reports are a gateway to endless crises.

The world still remembers how the American intelligence reports, on which the decision to occupy Iraq was based, did not ultimately result in proving any of their allegations. There were no nuclear facilities in Iraq. Furthermore, Iraq was not a threat in this regard at all. Actually, the real nuclear danger lies in Iran.

Practically, the case has come to an end. The Saudi judiciary has had its say, after investigations and public court sessions, which witnessed the presence of representatives from the five permanent member countries of the UN Security Council, representatives of human rights organizations, and members of the Khashoggi family. The sessions also witnessed wide media coverage and follow-up.

These firm measures set an example to be followed in dealing with the mistakes and deterring the perpetrators. They also reflect the development the judicial institutions in the Kingdom are witnessing.

While all agencies in the entire world commit countless mistakes and transgressions, the difference is in the government’s handling of those mistakes. The disparity in that emerges depending on the strength, pragmatism and ability of each system to assume responsibility, just as the world witnessed in the Kingdom’s handling of the case of its citizen Jamal Khashoggi.

The case has ended, and today we are preoccupied with the future, construction and development, establishing freedoms, focusing on people’s well-being, a life full of awareness, and a qualitative partnership with the world.

We are living in a new reality and a new aspiration that is a shock to some entities, ideologies and regimes, causing them to attempt to impede this great march.

But in return, it urges the countries of the world and major partners to expand their alliances with the Kingdom and be partners in this great civilizational journey towards the future and development.

Our partnerships with the US are deeper than this hype, and whoever is the occupant of the White House, whether he remains or leaves, the US-Saudi partnership remains the most important factor for security and stability in the region and the entire world.

Saudi writer @yyaameer

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