
Optimism is leaders’ language

November 17, 2020

Noor A. AlNaboud

As you can see, we are living in tough times, with the swiftly changing times shifting all things around us, especially in the economic sphere. As a result of these rapid changes, one feels a sense of achievement when one searches for something and finds it, overcomes the currents to feel one’s empowerment, and to savor the results of one’s efforts. That’s the euphoria Saudi Arabia is witnessing these days.

Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman, a harbinger of change, gave a new impetus to Saudi Arabia’s empowerment story with a momentous speech last week. The dynamic speech provided Saudis the most cheerful news as the leadership seeks to change the lives of the nationals for the better. I believe, Crown Prince underlined his future plan to improve citizens’ lives and this led to great public interest and excitement among Saudis.

The Crown Prince, in his speech, dovetailed motivated positive scenarios and alternative solutions in Saudis’ minds in order for them to be prepared for the best or worst situations that might happen in their future. His speech was not to be viewed with pink glasses that saw only a rosy picture, but without any colored glasses for a clear vision of the direction he hoped to give the country. His speech was realistic and efficient as it came with numbers, historic records, logistics and the result of four years of systematic hard work.

This optimistic mindset was fortified with informative language and transparency that only leads to honesty and integrity. The fact that we are aware of the obstacles and challenges our country underwent in decreasing unemployment or investing on different resources (like tourism sector, sport sector, cultural sector) while diversifying from oil and gas to develop a strong economy system lends to the growing optimism despite the changing times.

The Crown Prince is fulfilling the promise that has been visualized in the Saudi Vision 2030, and his announcement that we are nearing the desired destination, is a driver of hope and dreams. Saudi Arabia is the president of G20 for 2020, and they have taken the lead to show the world grit and innovation to steer them through critical times due to coronavirus.

Bridging the 40 years development gap in a short time and curbing extremism wasn’t easy and requires extraordinary mindset to overcome these hurdles swiftly and cleanly. Luckily, Saudi Arabia possessed that will and passed all the barriers smoothly and rapidly. And for that we praise the strong leadership.

The definition of a true leader, like the Crown Prince, can be summed up by these wise words from John Quincy Adams, “If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.”

— The writer can be reached on Twitter: @moionlynoor

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