
To protect the society, let’s build confidence and unify ranks

April 10, 2020
To protect the society, let’s build confidence and unify ranks

Tan Banglin

The proliferation of the COVID-19 virus posed a serious threat to world public health due to its rapid spread over a wide area and the great difficulty in imposing precautionary measures to curb the spread of the epidemic.

Following the outbreak of the epidemic in the Chinese city of Wuhan, early last year, China took firm, decisive, comprehensive, full-fledged highest-level precautionary measures including quarantines to curb the spread of the epidemic. These efforts were exerted under the leadership of Chinese President Xi Jinping and his direct supervision.

The successful Chinese experience has proved that the epidemic can be controlled, but it requires strenuous efforts and great sacrifices by the government and all the people.

Following are the major lessons from the Chinese method of tackling the COVID-19 crisis:

1. The whole country, leadership and people, all stood united to exert a collective effort.

2. The “Early Four” strategy was implemented in the race to minimize the spread of the virus.

3. Contribution by doctors and nurses to support Hubei Province. They came from all over the country, totaling over 42,000 doctors and nurses, who all converged on Hubei to help.

4. Modern high-tech played a prominent role. Moreover, Chinese scientists were able to separate the virus strain and determine the genetic sequence and develop rapid antibodies for them.

5. The psychological guidelines for the recovered cases and people in quarantines played a positive role in maintaining social stability.

The virus is considered to be a challenge facing all humanity, requiring of all countries of the world to join hands in solidarity and help one another.

Arrogance and bias will not help in imposing precautionary measures against the epidemic and curbing its spread.

Furthermore, public health cannot be protected by arrogance and bias, but by a scientific stance. The virus does not know politics or races. It deals with all the people equally, whether they are VIPs or ordinary people, poor or rich, famous celebs or common people.

The virus deals with all equally without any discrimination, irrespective of whether they are advanced or developing countries. No country can save itself alone in countering this pandemic, the joint crisis facing all humanity.

Despite this, there are those who are never impressed by anything. Instead of making preparations for a serious stance to protect themselves from the epidemic during this period through precautionary measures, some countries, politicians and media have wracked their brains in attacking the Chinese social system, and belittling the precautionary and preventive measures China has taken to curb the spread of the pandemic.

They changed the bright white reality to black in order to disparage and desecrate China in every possible way. They wasted valuable time, only to taste the bitter fruit — the accelerating spread of the pandemic in their own countries!

The serious epidemics are a joint enemy for mankind. What is required by the international community to counter the rapid spread of the COVID-19 virus, is to boost confidence and respond through solidarity and unifying efforts to overcome the pandemic.

We should work hand in hand to achieve victory in mankind’s battle against such deadly epidemics

We are pleased that the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Salman, has taken the initiative to convene the Extraordinary G20 Leaders’ Virtual Summit, under Saudi G20 Presidency for this year.

During the meeting, there was a global consensus to fight the pandemic through solidarity and cooperation. This contributed positively to taking precautionary measures against the proliferation of this epidemic and stopping it at the world level.

Let’s give up arrogance and prejudice when mankind is facing joint challenges. Let’s help one another and boost confidence on the inevitability of victory. We should exert collective efforts by forging a global stance to protect the societies and all of mankind’s health.

— The writer is the Chinese Consul General in Jeddah

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