
The Okaz dialogue

January 08, 2020
The Okaz dialogue

By Humoud Abu Talib


The direct, frank and transparent dialogue between the citizen and official differs from the cold and mummified dialogues via replies by the Public Relations administrations, whose replies are usually vague and beat about the bush, as they do not delve directly into the issues raised and are of concern to the society.

Here, we have two types of officials.

The first type are those who are capable of shouldering the responsibility of facing the public and the courage to open files (discuss and tackle any dossiers, issues), answer all the questions without any reservations or “keeping doors open”.

Meanwhile, the second type of officials is of those who are reluctant to face the public. They always try to evade coming face-to-face with the public. It suffices them to issue statements on paper and nothing more.

“The responsible dialogue” (Hiwaar Al-Masouliyah) is an old and pioneering idea that the Okaz daily has come up with. Its objective is to hold a dialogue between the official and the citizen, represented by Okaz columnists, who would adopt the issues.

In addition, a dialogue channel would be opened to receive all the questions and inquiries from the public.

Through my long experience with these Okaz dialogues, I confirm that it is not an arrangement to pat on the official’s shoulder, or a gesture of courtesy for the official, or even an image-building exercise for the official.

On the contrary, it is a responsible dialogue, in the strict sense of the word, in which princes, ministers and heads of important government authorities have taken part.

These dialogues dealt with many fields. They resulted in adopting many issues and ideas, and came up with creative solutions for many of the problems.

With the many problems that newspapers are facing, Okaz is still keen on shouldering its occupational responsibility toward the nation and citizen, by continuing the responsible dialogue.

In this connection and during the short past period alone, Okaz has hosted a number of senior officials, hence continuing the momentum of transparent dialogue for the sake of the nation.

This is the responsible journalism that knows its professional duty and its moral responsibility.

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