
Madness of the ‘Brothers’ and the one trench

August 14, 2019
Madness of the ‘Brothers’ and the one trench

Jameel Altheyabi

Some tendentious TV channels are trying to portray what is happening in Aden as something that is confusing the Arab Alliance under the leadership of Saudi Arabia. However, the matter is clear to everyone. All parts of the Arab Alliance to restore Yemeni legitimacy were represented in the statements of the Alliance.

These media outlets deliberately twist the truth claiming that what has happened in Aden might disturb relations between the Kingdom, the United Arab Emirates and other countries of the Alliance. This is an incorrect analysis because it is based on inaccuracies that inevitably lead to wrong results.

The relationship between the Kingdom and the UAE is strong and solid. It is based on cohesive historic foundations. This was further confirmed by the Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi Sheikh Muhammad Bin Zayed during a recent meeting with the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Salman and Crown Prince Muhammad Bin Salman. Sheikh Muhammad Bin Zayed said that the UAE and the Kingdom were in one trench to face the forces which are threatening the security of the region. He called on the protagonists in Yemen to close ranks and resort to the language of reason and dialogue.

During its political history, Saudi Arabia has never supported the separation of any region in any Arab country. Its main concern has always been to intervene to help the protagonists in such countries to close ranks. Saudi Arabia did not go to Yemen for a picnic or to achieve some personal agenda as the media of some sick countries allege. These outlets are fishing in dirty water through the spread of lies and fabrication. They only harbor evil toward Yemen.

Riyadh went to Yemen to set up an Arab alliance that could help the Yemeni people restore their legitimate government which is recognized by the entire world represented by the United Nations Security Council and the other regional and international organizations.

No one will deny the role of Riyadh in encouraging former President Ali Abdullah Saleh to continue with his plan to unify the two Yemens following the painful incidents that led to a civil war in Yemen in the early 1990s.

Saudi Arabia and the UAE reject the current attempts being made by some countries to drag Yemen into war. These attempts are brokered by Iran through its puppets, the Houthis. This will mean the outbreak of a new war inside an ongoing civil war. The price of these two wars will be very high for the Yemeni people on whom Iranian agents have imposed hunger, epidemics, poverty and illiteracy.

The countries of the Arab Alliance are making strenuous efforts to mitigate the impact of these evils on the Yemeni people. In strong words, the Arab Alliance has asked the leaders of the Southern Transitional Council to cease fire immediately and to withdraw from the camps of the legitimate government in the temporary capital of Aden.

Saudi Arabia cannot bear the responsibility of enabling this chaos to create opportunities for Daesh and Al-Qaeda to jump to the forefront in Yemen. It will not allow the Houthis and Iran to exploit this situation to control Yemen. The position of the leaders of the Yemeni Reform Party cannot be depended on as they work according to the agenda and interests of other countries. They support the Houthis in order to make political gains by following the footprints of Qatar which is attempting to make trouble in the area controlled by the legitimate government forces.

Tampering with legitimacy in Yemen is a red line that is being protected by the UN Charter. The Arab Alliance under the leadership of the Kingdom will be a strong shield against any attempts to cross this line. For this reason, the Kingdom has called for Yemeni-Yemeni talks in Riyadh to settle differences and join efforts for the noble cause of spreading legitimacy all over Yemen and restoring the country’s vital Arab, regional and international role.

There is no doubt that the Yemeni crisis was not entirely due to the betrayal of the Houthis but rather resulted from the lies and the changing of colors of the Muslim Brothers. It has also resulted from the attitude of the “members of the couch party” who sit silently waiting to be ruled by Iran or managed by the Hamadain. The country’s people and tribes must stand together strongly to save Yemen and punish those who have created this tragedy.

— The author is a Saudi writer. Follow him on Twitter:

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