
War clouds send Iran’s mullah regime into begging for a solution

May 26, 2019
War clouds send Iran’s mullah regime into begging for a solution

Jameel Altheyabi

‘Will a war break out?’ Is this the most precise question or the next: ‘When will the war break out?’

This is the question everyone, especially in the Mid-East, is asking.

There are two narratives: The first is preferred by US President Donald Trump’s Administration because it believes Iran has ill intentions and the Americans have detected Iranian preparations to carry out an imminent attack on US targets.

This has caused Washington to send big military reinforcements to the region, revise its military plans and redeploy its forces in the Arabian Gulf waters with the consent of Saudi Arabia and other Gulf countries.

This is a clear message to Tehran that any attack against any US target or its allies or both will have a crushing military response.

The second narrative puts the blame on Washington, especially by those criticizing the Trump Administration’s method of work.

The ‘hawks’ in the US Administration, like US National Security Adviser John Bolton or US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, consider this as a good opportunity to create change in the Tehran regime. If the maximum economic pressure does not succeed, they do not rule out military action.

But a more important question arises: What will be the role of Riyadh and other Gulf capitals if a war breaks out?

While Washington and Tehran are continuing to beat the drums of war, Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Salman has invited leaders of Arab and Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries for Arab and Gulf extraordinary summits in Makkah, apart from the Islamic Summit that will be held inside the Grand Mosque.

So Saudi Arabia will host three summits in 24 hours in an effort to rally Arab, Gulf and Islamic support so as to deter Iran from its intransigence in continuing its subversive policies.

There are people who ask: Will Israel grab the opportunity to hit Iranian nuclear reactors?

Undoubtedly, Israel’s participation will depend on the type of expected military confrontation.

Some analysts believe that in case of an all-out war or revenge surgical strikes against Iran, Israel will not leave such an opportunity to carry out lightning strikes against Iranian nuclear reactors.

Israel has already disclosed that it has obtained details, maps and documents from within Iran.

It is likely that the Israeli participation will be similar to its air strikes against Iraqi nuclear reactor in September 1981 in an operation dubbed “Opera”.

Why is Iran looking for “mediators” east and west?

Teetering by Iran’s mullahs indicates that they are begging for “mediation” here and there.

After the German initiatives and the Iraqi-Omani endeavor to deescalate the tension between Washington and Tehran, Tokyo has recently started its mediation initiative at Iran’s request.

However, the Omani Foreign Minister Yusuf Bin Alawi’s visit to Tehran can be likened to an attempt to save the mullahs from the American slap.

In the past, Muscat has played a prominent role in mediating between Iran and the US. It hosted secret talks in 2013 resulting in the nuclear agreement between Iran and five big nations in 2015.

But in these circumstances the mediators are not expected to succeed in defusing the crisis because the Trump Administration’s outlook is different from that of the Obama Administration!

What is confirmed is that the American forces have raised their level of readiness and vigilance of their military bases in the region. Their naval fleet is ready to carry out an all-out war or surgical strikes.

Trump will not back out from a “strike” if his country’s interests are subject to an Iranian attack.

Even those who are of the view that the region can no longer bear such a war agree that punishing Tehran is required.

However, the proponents of such views are ignoring the fact that the mullahs’ policies are based on being extra smart, deceiving others, lying, exporting their revolution, interfering in others’ affairs and sponsoring militias and terrorist groups.

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