
Iran’s policies threaten its own people

May 14, 2019
Ekleel Badr Sallam
Ekleel Badr Sallam

Ekleel Badr Sallam

Iran is backed by Russia, Turkey and Syria’s Bashar Al-Assad, but what about the United States? America could demolish Iran immediately and effectively as it did with Iraq in 2003. Is there a hidden interest between the United States and Iran? If the United States destroyed Iran it would counter its intention to keep the Middle East in a state of tension.

Iran’s condition has deteriorated. In 1979 when Iran was a monarchy, it had a stable economy and well-educated citizens. Nowadays, it works directly and violently to seek power and it supports terrorism and violates international laws. Saudi Arabia has played an important role in isolating Iran, along with US economic sanctions.

However, Iran is an example of how nations fail. There are two main pillars that a country must build to ensure its stability which are international alliances and the loyalty of its people. In fact, Iran is concentrating on its military and is forgetting about trade, culture and development. It sacrifices its people, and a nation that attempts to succeed without its own citizens will suffer from a brain drain and migration.

Iran loses in any comparison to Saudi Arabia. If we compare the two countries in terms of their geographic location, military strength, size, alliances, stability, development, technology, security, trade, oil and education, Saudi Arabia is more important than Iran in each of these categories. States care deeply about the balance of power and compete among themselves either to gain power at the expense of others or at least to make sure that they do not lose power, and currently the definition of power relies on dependence on several elements that help build a solid nation.

Iran is putting all of its wealth into developing nuclear weapons and is resuming the production of highly-enriched uranium seeking to become a hegemonic power in the region. At the same time, the country suffers from poor infrastructure and its people face hunger and unemployment as a result of trade sanctions by the international community that have also led to the extended fall of the Iranian currency.

What is significant is the nature of power balances, which lead weak states to fear strong states, strong states to fear rising states, and neighbors to fear one another. Saudi Arabia has enhanced and developed its national security and increased the confidence of government entities, security facilities and foreign investors.

The United States is using the strategy of offensive realism toward China these days as America seeks to prevent the rise of other potentially challenging hegemons in Asia and Europe. Therefore, China cannot rise peacefully because the tendency for rising powers is to alter the global balance of power in potentially dangerous ways.

The adoption of offensive realism follows the principle of “power maximization” in which a state seeks to maximize power and influence in order to achieve security through domination and hegemony. An example of United States following this strategy is the recent movement of its naval forces to the Middle East.

In summary, Iran has insufficient financial sustenance and such a country cannot be a threat to the Middle East or Saudi Arabia. It is only a threat to its own people as it is a country that suffers economically and in which the unemployment rate and poverty are constantly increasing. Iran is contained and will become even more contained, and it is not today a respected member of the international community.

The author is a Saudi political analyst specialized in International Relations. She can be reached at: ekleel.sallam@hotmail.com Twitter: @EkleelBS

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