
The Kingdom’s humanitarian mission in Yemen and beyond

January 01, 2019
The Kingdom’s humanitarian mission in Yemen and beyond

Waleed Shwaila

For as long as I can remember, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has always lent a helping hand whenever and wherever a crisis hit. Our leadership has made it a regular practice for the Kingdom to lead by example and serve as torchbearers in the humanitarian field, whether through righteous support initiatives or generous financial backing, having provided over $80 billion in foreign aid since 1996. In the face of tragedy, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has always been there for its allies, big and small, near and far. And with the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Salman Bin Abdulaziz and Crown Prince Muhammad Bin Salman at the helm, the Kingdom’s global humanitarian presence has only grown.

In May 2015, the King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center (KSrelief) was established. Supported by remarkable statistics, KSrelief has flourished in promoting the wellbeing of millions of distressed people around the world. From Yemen to Syria, Iraq to Tanzania, Honduras to the Philippines, KSrelief has made an impact in just about every corner of the world. The charitable organization has not only alleviated unbearable suffering and saved countless lives, but has also offered those in distress the ability to lead more dignified, healthy lives while they endure their unfortunate realities.

At its inauguration, KSrelief placed Yemen at the top of its list of priorities, and award-winning surgeon and former Minister of Health Dr. Abdullah Al-Rabeeah was appointed to lead the nonprofit as its supervisor-general. There could not have been a better candidate to implement King Salman’s humanitarian vision. A man of dignity and an unparalleled combination of medical expertise and ministerial experience, Al-Rabeeah has diligently guided KSrelief in the service of mankind.

No nation on this earth cares more for the wellbeing and stability of Yemen than the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Putting an end to the Houthi’s unlawful aggression, while restoring the legitimate Yemeni government, is the ultimate objective. And during this course-of-action, the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Salman Bin Abdulaziz and Crown Prince Muhammad Bin Salman have seen to it that the Kingdom provides an unprecedented amount of resources and financial support for the people of Yemen. Under its generous leadership, Saudi Arabia’s humanitarian stat-sheet speaks for itself.

Since May 2015, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has spent over $1.6 billion in humanitarian projects in Yemen alone. Over 300 relief projects have been implemented, offering distressed Yemenis security of food, healthcare, shelter and more. Education, sanitation, and human-protection are some other critical areas KSrelief has addressed. With $500 million having been allocated towards food security and another $400 million towards healthcare, there is no question that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, via KSrelief, is firmly supporting the Yemeni people during their time of need.

Moreover, one of KSrelief’s human-protection initiatives has resulted in the clearance of over 26,000 landmines in Yemen. The organization’s impact is surpassing expectations, as it rids Yemen of several concrete dangers affecting millions of its people.

In total, Saudi Arabia’s contributions to the Yemeni people, since the beginning of the crisis, amount to over $11 billion.

In a press conference last month, United Nations Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs Sir Mark Lowcock expressed appreciation for Saudi Arabia’s contributions, highlighting that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is “saving millions of lives and reducing a lot of suffering in Yemen”.

With all that being said, Saudi Arabia’s humanitarian efforts stretch far beyond the borders of Yemen. Some of the Kingdom’s most significant beneficiaries today also include the people of Syria, Somalia and the Rohingya.

Thus far, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, through KSrelief, has spent an allocated total of $83 million on humanitarian projects designated for the people of Syria, $22 million for the people of Somalia, and $17 million for Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh.

In Syrian refugee camps, KSrelief is very active. Saudi-funded medical clinics, schools and bakeries help keep the refugees out of harm’s way, preserving their dignity and essential wellbeing.

Moreover, Palestine is receiving generous financial aid. In 2018 alone, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia contributed over $160 million towards the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA). This makes the Kingdom one of UNRWA’s largest donors, empowering them in their relief efforts for Palestinian refugees.

Earlier this year, Pierre Krähenbühl, UNRWA Commissioner-General, made a statement expressing his gratitude for the “strong political and financial support the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has extended to UNRWA and 5.4 million Palestine refugees.”

The Kingdom’s humanitarian mission is as clear as day: To bring hope to the hopeless, in the face of tragedy.

— Waleed Shwaila is a Saudi political analyst specializing in foreign affairs and protocol. He may be reached at: waleedaasa@gmail.com / Twitter: @waleedalg

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