
Trump’s America: Economic triumph

September 02, 2018
Trump’s America: Economic triumph

Waleed Shwaila

Whether you like it or not, the US President has achieved statistics worthy of justifying his presidency. Donald Trump has been a champion for statistical America, and the world ought to respect that.

The US economy is booming under President Trump’s supervision. The prominent long-time businessman has steered his country’s 2018 economy on track to hit the highest annual average growth rate in well over a decade. Over the past three months alone, the United States economy witnessed an impressive 4.1% GDP growth, and the creation of over half a million jobs.

Since taking office, President Trump has injected over 3 million jobs into the US market; most of which has come during the second half of his tenure thus-far. These facts lead to the speculation that Trump’s economic agenda, as it further undergoes its implementation, is translating into a stronger economy. He is making good on his promise for “jobs, jobs, jobs” as he reiterated throughout his 2016 presidential campaign.

From day one, President Donald J Trump instilled great confidence into the US economy. He used his platform to encourage businesses and investors to get to work. He’s treating the US the way he treated the Trump Organization, and that’s proved healthy for American jobs and overall economic growth.

Looking at the numbers, Trump’s agenda is feeding this economy. According to the US Census Bureau, US consumer spending has risen its most in 7 years. And even with gas prices up and wage growth limited, people are spending more and more on food, cars, and clothes. Private business investments have surged from under 2% in 2016, to over 9% this year.

Real Estate sales are enjoying a steady climb. Job growth and employment are as strong as ever and expected to continue breaking records. American manufacturers are hiring at the fastest pace in over two decades. In 2016, the US was behind the UK and EU in economic growth. Last year, the US got on track to being the fastest growing economy of the three. Maybe “Make America Great Again” wasn’t just for show.

While on the campaign trail, then-presidential candidate Donald Trump pledged to give a voice to the voiceless. This was a primary promise of his. The most interesting factor of recent employment reports regarded handicapped citizens. Between 2009 and 2017, American men with disabilities experienced a reduction in employment.

When Trump took office in January 2017, disabled men accounted for only 1.5% of employment that month. Just over a year since then, and disabled men represent about 12% of employment gains. Disabled women saw similar statistics as well.

Contrary to popular belief and stereotypes that bedevil President Trump, American minorities are benefiting just as well. In 2009, then-President Barrack Obama took office with African-American unemployment at 12.7%. It took Obama approximately 54 months in office to drop that number to 12.6%. President Donald Trump was inaugurated into a 7.8% African-American unemployment rate, which he managed to drop below 6% in only 16 months.

This marked the lowest unemployment in history for African-Americans. With Hispanic-Americans under 5%, White-Americans under 4%, and Asian-Americans under 3%, Trump’s economic agenda is flourishing for everyone.

How ironic that, just a decade ago, Donald Trump went viral for his TV show that revolved around the phrase, “You’re fired!”, and today is pushing down the US unemployment rate from the Oval Office. For the past few months, there have been more job openings than unemployed citizens. That’s something.

Speaking of the Oval Office, Trump’s White House has around 100 less staffers than that of Obama’s White House. With that, President Trump is on track to save over $22 million worth of White House salaries within his first term. That’s $22 million worth of taxpayer money that can be utilized elsewhere.

Aside from jobs, the stock market and widespread corporate profits are all winning under Trump. After a quiet and steady eight years for the US stock market under Obama, investors witnessed big gains under Trump’s control.

According to CNN Chief Business Correspondent Christine Romans earlier this year, “It’s as if Corporate America, Wall Street, and even blue-collar workers suddenly have their mojo back. It turns out the only thing the American economy was missing these last ten years was confidence. And nobody is as confident as Donald J. Trump.”

Unfortunately, scandals and accusations have bombarded President Trump’s legacy thus far. Several media outlets around the world have allowed this to overshadow his concrete and relevant achievements. From his undisclosed tax returns, to assigning White House roles to his daughter and son-in-law, to the Russian probe, to the “hush-money” ordeal, to speculated conflicts of interest between his public service and private businesses, the US President’s legacy has had its fair share of speed bumps.

Nevertheless, the average American worker cares more about their financial and social well-being than Trump’s tax returns or his relationship with Stormy Daniels.

As long as Trump continues to deliver economic prosperity, the scandals and accusations will continue to be countered by his operational successes. This, when sustainable, could earn him a second term in office.

Waleed Shwaila is a young Saudi political analyst specializing in foreign affairs and protocol. He can be reached at: waleedaasa@gmail.com / Twitter: @waleedalg

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