
Addiction to smartphones

August 02, 2018
Addiction to smartphones

Samar Al-Mogren

Al-Jazirah newspaper

I DO not absolve myself of the sin of overusing the smartphone. Nor do I consider myself more principled than other people. But I am sure I am the last in line among smartphone users especially when I am with family, relatives and friends, or attending a function.

I am rarely busy with the phone except when there is an important work I should do.

In normal situations, I keep my cell phone away by putting it in my purse when I have guests in my home. But if I am expecting an important call or message, or when I am outside my home, I keep the phone by me.

I started with myself before talking about what I see as a social menace: the use of mobile phones at gatherings. This is a clear indication that these smartphone addicts have no respect for the people with whom they sit.

I advise these people — I normally do not like to give out advice — to respect themselves and others by keeping away from their phones at least when they are in a gathering.

The smartphone addicts should stay at their homes and not go out to mix with other people if they cannot keep their fingers and ears away from their devices. I advise them not to receive any guests at their homes because hospitality does not mean hosts offering guests food and drinks at their homes but it means welcoming people with warmth and having small talk with them.

Hospitality, visitations and socializing are acts that should come out of people's hearts. They are spiritual and emotional expressions and people should not feel as if they are bearing a heavy burden when they socialize.

When people use their smartphones while sitting with others, this is an indirect indication that they are not happy in their company.

The maddening use of mobile phones will simply prevent the hosts from showing any warmth toward their guests. It will prevent these people from having any feelings toward those around them.

The excessive use of phones will also prevent people from enjoying valuable time, holidays or other good things in life because they will be living in a virtual world, which is exhausting to the brain, the nerves and the entire life.

As I said at the beginning, I do not claim to be ideal in the use of my phone because we have all become addicts to this device. The deadly addiction to the smart phones is like any other addiction, which we should muster all our energy to defeat instead of allowing it to triumph over us.

It is good that we feel the ugliness of such behavior in the presence of others. This detestable attitude will make the mobile user a body without soul. It will make the addicts feel it would have been better if other people have stayed away and have never come to socialize with them. They will feel the presence of guests menacing and will enjoy being alone.

Moderation in everything will bring comfort. This does not mean people should deprive themselves completely of the benefits of smartphones but they must use them wisely in a manner that will not irritate others. They should not indulge too much in their use so that others will not feel annoyed or hate them for this.

Regretfully these bad habits have been transmitted to children. It is really painful to see young children busy using smart devices or playing with them when they are with their friends.

Children start using smartphones by imitating the grownups but with time it will become an addiction from which they cannot get out. Just like the adults, today's children live in a virtual world that is far away from reality.

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