
Racism is not patriotism

May 20, 2018
Racism is not patriotism

Samar Al-Mogren

Al-Jazirah newspaper

IT is disgusting and sickening to see some people openly backing racism and feel proud of it through the social networking sites and some public media channels. They should know that this damaging approach does not go hand in hand with the new and advanced phase of life we have in the Kingdom today.

We have overcome many obstacles and difficulties that were put in our way in the past, and are now racing against time to realize greater achievements while learning valuable lessons from past mistakes. It’s unfortunate that some people still are blinkered and have not learned anything from the past. For some people still adopt a racist approach in the name of patriotism.

Racism has nothing to do with nationalist feelings. On the contrary it goes against national interests. This kind of attitude would only disrupt efforts to realize more achievements and bring about positive changes in the country through intellectual and cultural transformation.

This group of people who fuels racist feelings and thoughts does not want anything good for the nation. They work in a subtle way to obstruct ongoing efforts that are fostering intellectual and social changes.

These so called patriots, who are active on social media networking sites as well as other media channels, have been using outdated terms, which are not at all worthy of mention or discussion whether against our fellow Arabs, who have lived amongst us and worked with us to build this homeland, others, who have contributed to the nation-building, or against naturalized citizens.

The citizens of this country should not negate the good works and contributions of other nationals and should not deal with them in an immoral and inhuman way as a result of the Saudization program. This nation and its wealth can accommodate all people. The best and the most qualified among them are the ones who can make additions that would serve the interests of work and the nation.

Being a member of this society I would like to ask what advantage we have gained from persons who use only their “tongue” appearing on social networking sites and satellite channels. They have not made any contributions for the development of the country except fueling the flame of racism, compared to those highly qualified expatriates who have been serving public interest, even though they are non-Saudis.

We should acknowledge the fact that expatriate workers have been serving this great nation and striving for its development in various sectors dedicating their energy and expertise. At the same time the other group has been spreading negative energy in the society by fanning the flame of hatred and racism in the name of patriotism.

I don’t see any value for the campaigns being carried out by these silly people who try to mobilize individuals who have the same mentality and who do not have any other work to do. They attack persons who do not subscribe to their meaningless thoughts and ideas.

All these things make it imperative for the enactment of a law to criminalize racist rants even if they do not affect their victims directly. We should know that the negative impact of such racist diatribes affects directly the nation, damaging its internal harmony and international reputation. This makes the enactment of such a law all the more important and urgent.

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