
Why should we care about the reputation of those who are corrupt?

December 15, 2017
Why should we care about the reputation of those who are corrupt?

Khalid Al-Suliman


Abdullah Al-Naser, a member of the Shoura Council, has called for a new article to the draft law on protecting whistleblowers. The article includes a general amnesty for people who commit financial and administrative corruption if they turn themselves in. It also calls for such individuals to be given anonymity so their reputations remain intact.

I honestly cannot understand why we need to be concerned about the reputation of these wicked people. What I understand from this is that those responsible for stealing the Kingdom’s wealth should be provided with anonymity so that their reputations remain unblemished.

I do understand that we need to consider the families of those who are corrupt. Actually, what these people have done to their own families is a crime in itself. They themselves are responsible for ruining their reputations. However, there are laws that protect the reputation of anyone involved in corruption before a court judgment is issued. I believe this is more than what they actually deserve.

People who are corrupt should consider their own reputations and that of their families before becoming involved in corruption. Their reputation is not as important as that of their country.

If they are paying back to the Kingdom what they have stolen, then who will compensate the people who have lost out because of their corruption?

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