
‘Would you let your sister or mother do it?’

November 17, 2017
‘Would you let your sister or mother do it?’

Yousef Al-Muhaimeed

Al-Jazirah Newspaper

“Would you let your sister or mother do it?” This is a question that we have frequently heard for the last four decades. When radio and TV were introduced into the Kingdom, many people were against them. If you argued with them, they would ask: “Would you let your sister or mother do it?” In other words, would you let them listen to the radio and watch TV? The question today is: “Would you marry a woman who drives a car or goes to the stadium to watch football matches?”

Soon the question might be: “Would you marry a girl who goes to the cinema?” All of these questions revolve around men’s fear of women’s behavior or conduct and their suspicion of what women do. Islam has granted women many rights but tradition deprives women from seeing these rights materialize.

There are still today some men who consider it improper to mention the name of a woman in a men’s gathering. There are still some men who ask the same question: “Would you let your sister or your wife do it?” Luckily, the number of such men is decreasing because social transformation has begun, something that is supported by the government and large portions of society. The government support has been tremendous.

The Minister of Culture and Information recently ordered the management of all Saudi television channels to replace expatriate TV broadcasters with Saudi women. This decision would have been impossible a few months ago because the opponents of women working would have criticized the minister and stood against his decision.

We have laws in place today that hold anyone accused of defamation or slander accountable. These laws act as deterrents and let people know that they will be held accountable and face imprisonment.

Yes, Saudi women and men have been deprived of some rights over the past three decades. However, it is beautiful to know that we will regain these rights within three years. We can today live a simple and beautiful life that is governed by the rule of law just like other nations.

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