Water is precious, save it

I Leave it to you to comment on the following message which I received from Abdullah Rashid, a reader.

July 01, 2013

Mohammed Al-Bakr

Mohammed Al-Bakr


I leave it to you to comment on the following message which I received from Abdullah Rashid, a reader. “I lived for several years in Canada which has about 60 percent of the world’s freshwater. Regardless, the people and government there are very keen to economize the use of their potable water.

The government will punish anyone who waters his/her lawn more than once or twice a week. When I came back to the Kingdom, I was amazed by the unnecessary wastage of water even though our religion warns us against doing this. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said one should use little water for ablution even if one was doing it at a running stream.

“For instance, I saw an expatriate, whose country is one of those suffering from acute water shortage, leave the tap running while brushing his teeth. Another one left behind a pool of water after performing his ablution. I was saddened to see some mosques using automatic sprinkles to irrigate surrounding green areas while in fact most of the water was going onto the street.


Sometimes these areas are watered during the day time so large quantities of water will unnecessarily evaporate. The best time to irrigate a garden is early morning or late afternoon so that water is not allowed to evaporate. Another method of wasting water is when we leave the tap running fully while performing our ablutions. The taps in the Grand Mosques automatically stop at certain intervals. These type of taps can be used at home to save water.”

July 01, 2013
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