Peru prisoners launch fashion label behind bars

Peru prisoners launch fashion label behind bars

April 12, 2016

Khalid Al-Suliman

LIMA — Santos Arce Ramos is doing 18 years for aggravated robbery, but today he is carefully cutting organic cotton cloth in a workshop at San Pedro, a notorious prison in Peru’s capital Lima.

With the help of a French designer who cut his teeth at Chanel, inmates at two Peruvian prisons have launched their own clothing label, seeking to bring their urban style to the world — and find redemption in fashion.
“It’s like putting together a puzzle,” said Arce, 46, as he maneuvered pieces of cloth into place on a beat-up work bench.

Arce is one of 30 inmates at San Pedro and a women’s prison across town, Santa Monica, who make the clothes sold by Pieta, a label that describes itself as socially conscious and was set up by 29-year-old French fashionista Thomas Jacob.

The label specializes in a gritty urban look: T-shirts, hoodies and jackets in black, white and army green, stamped with stark black designs.

Jacob, a graduate of French business school INSEEC, got the idea for Pieta in 2012, when a friend who taught French lessons to inmates at San Pedro invited him to tag along with her.

Galvanized by the visit, he plunged head-first into an ambitious new project. He asked prison officials for permission to set up a tailoring workshop for inmates, and then quit his job at revered fashion house Chanel to dedicate himself to his new label.

“Prison inspires me — the dark side of humankind,” he said.

It was slow going at first, but within a year the inmates were making “high-quality, competitive” products, he told AFP, speaking nearly perfect Spanish.

Pieta takes its name from a sculpture by Renaissance master Michela rebirth of a man who never gives up. That’s the hope of these inmates,” Jacob said.
Jacob designs the clothes and the inmates make them.

“The idea is to do everything within the prison walls,” he said as a group of inmates modeled the 2016 collection, which will be sold online. His designs recall the work of Alexander Rodchenko, the Russian artist whose angular lines and stark colors epitomized the 20th-century movement known as constructivism.

In one T-shirt, the outline of a black padlock is barely perceptible against a black background. In another, the jagged shape of an industrial building bears the inscription “Factory of Tears.” — AFP

April 12, 2016